Conflicting Revelations continue to emerge as 20 years US Solider, Vanessa Guillen whereabout since on 22nd April, 2020 is yet to be determined.
Vanessa Guillen’s family attorney says that human remains found in Fort Hood, Texas on Tuesday are believed to be the missing 20-year-old soldier.
Lawyer Natalie Khawam also said that Army investigators believe Guillen was killed by a fellow soldier at the base.
However, in a conflicting press conference, Fort Hood authorities stated the DNA results from the recovered remains are still pending.
However, one female suspect has been charged with conspiracy to tamper with evidence and is being held in the Bell County Jail.
In another related development, the Killeen Police Department said a male suspect tied to Guillen’s disappearance from the Fort Hood Army post died by suicide on Wednesday.
Vanessa Guillen, 20, a private first class in the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, was last seen on the morning of April 22 in the parking lot of her barracks in Fort Hood, BuzzFeed News reported.
Meanwhile an interviewed with Vanessa Guillen’s family attorney, she says Army CID told her Guillen was confronting Aaron Robinson in armory room about dating a married woman.
She still believes Guillen was being sexually harassed and that’s why she was murdered.
Family attorney further told News Houston that Army CID told her there was no sexual relationship between Vanessa Guillen and Aaron Robinson.
But she believes Guillen had rejected his advances because of her statements before she disappeared to friends and family.
Ourworldgist is on standby to feed you with more information as investigation into the mysterious disappearance of Vanessa Guillen continues