Agada is one of the prominent towns located in Ogbabede ward in Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State.
The population size of the Area is Estimated to be around 25,000 people plus.
Other villages around Agada’s environ are: Ogbabede, Ogeneja (1&2) Udanebiomi, Ajomucha, Ajeyegba, Agojeju, Ajita, Ajagbichi, Ajatokolo, Ajelele, Ofugo, Ajogwoni, Ajedibo, Ajemuhaya, Ajudacha, Adumuwewo, Itakpe, Ajagi, Ateoteke, Adoji and a host of many others.
Unfortunately, all of these villages mentioned with Agada inclusive except Ajagwoni with just a clinic , all others mentioned have no access to health facilities in the areas.
The population size of the villages mentioned above all put together are estimated to be around 98,000 people plus.
Residents of Agada’s dwellers and its environ are predominantly Farmers and Business men and women.
As, a notable agrarian area, it is a statement of fact to state it here that cashew nut that is the pride of Kogi East today are mostly gotten from the area.
Regrettably, buyers who come around to buy this produce and the dwellers do not have access to health facilities in an emergency situation as they are forced to go on a long distance journey in need of medical attention and this predicament has led to so many countless casualties.
The worst hit in this mishap are the pregnant women as the community has lost many of them arising from lack of health facilities.
It is amidst of this worrisome situation that, Agada Development Association wishes to appeal to spirited individual, corporate bodies, NGOs, sons and daughters of the area and government at all levels to donate towards the ongoing proposed Hospital Building embarked upon by Agada Development Association.
The proposed Hospital in view which would be managed and run by health professionals is expected to cost the sum of 33 million Naira only.
The break down of the cost is as follows:
1. Building of 16 beds space with administrative offices to include: Doctor’s Office, staff office, consulting room as well as convenience for the Sick & the visitors, nineteen Million, five hundred thousand Naira ( N19.5Million ) only.
2. Furniture & fitting to include beds, cabins, as well as others is three million, five hundred thousand Naira (N3.5M), only.
3. Medical equipment and drugs to take off is budgeted to be ten million Naira ( N10M ).
(This quotation is by the health professionals in conjunction with the Association’s Committee on this project.
Note: every dime donated shall be acknowledged and accounted for.
Therefore, as God lays in your heart, all donations can be made to the Association’s account as provided below:
Bank’s Name: First Bank PLC
Account Name: Agada Development Association
Account Number: 3029780586
God reward you greatly as you take this drastic step to stop untimely death arising from lack of medical facilities in Agada Community and its environs.
For enquiries, please call any of this number:
Alhaji Hussaini Ajabi
National President
Sani Michael Omakoji
National Secretary