It is no longer news that the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development in charge of Npower in collaboration with central bank of Nigeria ( CBN) have designed an exit portal for batches A and B beneficiaries.
What is now the news is how does beneficiaries sign up this portal successfully?
Below is what ourworldgist has put together for the beneficiaries:
In Nexit portal, “Sign up” is the first step during the NEXIT Registration though not the only step.
The Sign-up enables verification of beneficiary to ensure that you are either Batch A or B Npower Beneficiary before granting you access to update your records on the portal which qualifies you for the opportunities made available by CBN.
In order to keep your Nexit portal profile correctly updated, you must fill the update record section of the portal.
To help fill that part correctly, ourworldgist have researched to show you how to answer some of the questions asked in the update record form correctly.
Similarly, below are some of the questions and how to answer them :
1) Do you have a job after exiting from the N-Power Programme?
Why Exited Npower Volunteers Must Take Nexit Opportunity With Seriousness
2) What type of job?
ANSWER: Self-employed
3) During the N-power programme, did you acquire a skill?
ANSWER: If say Yes, there is dialogue box later to explain however, we advise you say No
4) Do you have an existing business?
5) Do you have any business idea you intend to start?
6) Do you desire to own a business venture?
7) Do you need a loan for your business venture?
8) Would you like to participate in a digital and e-commerce skills acquisition training programme?
Then you have the last part where you are required to “Add any additional info”: Here, this is where you are expected to sell yourself and probably draw small business plan to clear their doubts about you otherwise you leave it BLANK if don’t know what to say.
From all of us at ourworldgist, good luck!