In a powerful sermon delivered by Pastor Mathew James Eleojo of Solemn Faith International Church, at the Federal Housing Estate Woji in Port Harcourt, the congregation was enlightened on the profound concept of Divine Intervention.
The theme of the sermon was centered around the idea that Divine Intervention is the ultimate solution to rescue humanity from calamity and affliction.
Drawing inspiration from biblical passages such as 1 Samuel 7:6-12 and 1 Corinthians 16:9, Pastor James conveyed a message of hope and restoration to his audience.
He emphasized that Divine Intervention is an instant interference by the Almighty to liberate His people from destruction.
“Divine Intervention is an action or procedure performed by the host of heaven for the freedom of His people from destructions,” declared Pastor James. “No matter what schemes or plots are devised against us, the intervention of the Almighty God can overturn them.”
Throughout the sermon, Pastor James underscored the notion that God’s intervention is the key to overcoming the afflictions of life.
He referenced verses like Psalm 34:19 and Nahum 1:7 to highlight that God’s intervention brings restoration, preservation, and protection, ultimately changing one’s position in life.
Pastor James also provided insights into how to provoke God’s intervention, emphasizing humility and devotion to God’s Kingdom Assignment.
He encouraged the congregation to visit the altar of sacrifice through prayer, fasting, praise, and worship.
In his closing statement, Pastor James left the congregation with a powerful quote: “Until there’s an intervention, there cannot be liberation.”
The sermon left a deep impact on those in attendance, providing a renewed sense of faith and the belief that Divine Intervention is the path to liberation from life’s challenges.
The congregation left the service with a renewed sense of hope, inspired to seek Divine Intervention in their lives as they navigate the complexities of the world.
This enlightening message on Divine Intervention serves as a reminder of the power of faith and the assurance that, with God’s help, there is always a path to restoration and liberation from life’s trials.