Twitter is currently on fire as social media users protest for what is tagged as #JusticeForJonnyDepp having discovered that her wife, Amber Heard lied against him which led to the termination of his appointment from Pirate Of Caribbean.
The protesters who are protesting #JusticeForJonnyDepp want the authority concern in America to revisit Johnny Depp’s case as they equally want her wife Amber Heard punished for slandering Johnny Depp.
One protester identified as Jillian even said Amber Heard’s act against Jonny Depp is the reason why people don’t believe in women.
Let us read this reaction, along others in a screenshots:
More also, another twitter protester named as Dede Hobiuary demanding #JusticeForJonnyDepp released below evidence to buttress or justify her protest against the whole saga
Johnny Depp is a famous actor with Pirate of Caribbean who was sacked by the company following allegation labelled against him by his own wife, Amber Heard.