In response to Reno Omokri‘s maliciousattacks against the Cross of Salvation…. Ezema Peter C.S of ourworldgist counters his fallacies with this proven facts about cross and it’s significance to Christianity.
Here is Peter Ezema’s reaction to Reno Omokri’s erroneous thought on “the cross of salvation”:
” Let me start first with what cross stand’s for in Christianity.
The cross is probably the most readily recognized of the Christian symbols, and there is significance to it.
As a symbol, the cross is a reminder of the sacrifice of our Savior over two thousand years ago.
The cross itself does not effect our salvation, but it was the shedding of blood of the perfect, sinless, spotless Lamb of God on the cross that has made it so that our sins could be forgiven.
Hence, the emphasis must always be on the sacrifice of Christ, the ultimate event of significance, not on the cross itself.
Yet there is a reason why God chose to have His Son put to death on a cross rather than by some other means. So, cross is a perfect remainder to the body of Christ on the passion and death of our Saviour on mountain Calvary.
Therefore, I consider it offensive for my fellow Christian to rise and begin to dig some fallacious account just to tarnish the image of his fellow Christians who recognized the importance of cross to their faith.
It also important for our so called ambassador of Christ Mr Reno Omokiri to understand that God has made it clear to us to worship him in truth and in the spirit.
Let him not also forget that some symbols that are allowed into the Church today are not an objects of worship rather they are in form of mantles.
What matters is where the veneration goes, if I determined in my heart to worship God or start my prayers with the sign of cross while mentioning the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. What is important is in not the sign that I made but the name I mentioned. I have seen many healed by the reasons of the cross likewise others have passed through many persecution for the reasons of cross.
At this point, Bro Reno should have focused on more pertinent issues, such as adulteries, blasphemy, lying, hatred and such other related issues in our churches today. Reno as so-called an Ambassador of Christ ought to have used his popularity and campaign for justice for Pastor Mike David’s who claimed that his wife was snatched from him by the senior Pastor.
More also, the shilhoutte challenge which have almost gotten into the heads of our young ladies and turned them to stripers recently should have been Reno concern. This and more are what we need to address in the body of Christ rather than those misguided digging
Many other pertinent issues are burning in the body of Christ today of which Reno would have used his popularity to address, not trying to destroy the long existing practices of the symbol of Church …Cross.
I also advice brother Reno Omokiri to focus more on politics and humanitarian works rather than dabbling into religion. It’s also very important for him to tread with caution while trying to correct some practices beyond his understanding as he may end up bringing confusion and unguarded arguments to the body of Christ.
Ezema Peter S.C,
writes from the City Centre
Abuja- Nigeria