The Director General of the National Taskforce on illegal Arms, Ammunitions and Light Weapons, Dr. Baba Mohammed has explained that the legal framework of the agency is undergoing processes at the parliament in order to deepen their activities.
He said, the challenge of inflow of illegal weapons into the country was obvious which calls for an agency like NATFORCE specifically saddled with the responsibility of going after carriers of illegal weapons and transnational gun runners.
Dr. Mohammed spoke at an award event on Thursday in Abuja, saying the agency was more than ready to ensure that there was control of illegal importation of arms and ammunition and light weapons into the country with a view to ensuring there is peace.
He was reacting to the earlier speech of the Secretary General of Commonwealth Society, Prince Musa Abutu, who stressed that the Commonwealth has observed the agency’s effort at tackling gun runners with the short time, the DG mounted the saddle.
Dr Baba thanked God almighty for making such an auspicious day possible, saying, “as you are all aware, the commonwealth society of Nigeria like other member countries is actually committed to ensuring that there is peace all over the world.
“And that, the award, goes to confirm also that from their own studies, from my own antecedent and what we have been doing in the past and what we promise to do going forward in life and through this agency (National Taskforce of Nigeria) that I provide leadership at the moment as the Director General, I am out to ensure that we control illegal importation of arms and ammunition and light weapons into the country with a view to ensuring there is peace.
He further added that, the award goes to confirm that, the group have “endorsed what Mr President is out to do in this country; to eliminate illegal arms, light weapons and ammunition into this country.”
The DG added dispelled fears that NATFORCE was out to take the job of an agency in this country noting his agency would rather complement other agencies of government.
“We exist to fill the gaps that have been identified today as far as illegal arms and ammunition is concerned.
He added that the role of the agency is supportive and that the agency has been collaborating with other sister agencies.
The DG stated that, ECOWAS is fully in support of the agency but that, they need legal and regulatory framework design for them to continue their work which is why they had to approach the National Assembly to pass the NATFORCE bill andbit has passed through second reading.
In his closing remarks, the DG tasked Nigerians to always do the right thing and promised that, under his leadership, a penny wouldn’t be taken from any Nigerian which service the agency wish to engage.
As they strive to mop up arms, he said, the agency would be strictly professional while asking merchants of illegal weapons to think twice henceforth.