On leadership gist today, coach expert in the field of leadership, Arc Nguvan Kyenge ( John Maxwell Certified) tells us about “Personal Self Development- The Growth Weapon For Leaders”.
In her presentation, she says, “As a leader, the cross is on you to consistently develop yourself because value attracts value, value keeps people glued to you!
you cannot obviously give what you don’t have!”

Let us read Nguvan Kyenge, full presentation below:
And Jesus approached the fig tree and found no fruit on it , he cursed it to dry up because it ought to be producing fruit but had none on it.
As a LEADER, the Best way to lead others with all the Self Development you have learnt is by SIMPLY LIVING the life and BEARING FRUITS!
If Jesus had found fruit on that fig tree , he would have dwelt there not just him but all who were with him and they would have received enough value from the tree… but there was none and they left!
People will leave you if they eventually discover you have no content, or not bearing fruits.
As a leader, the cross is on you to consistently develop yourself because value attracts value, value keeps people glued to you! you cannot obviously give what you don’t have!
John maxwell says the most difficult person to lead is yourself and that’s why you need to constantly soak yourself in the learning process, always have the beginners mindset and be ever ready to learn…
The more you learn, the more you grow and the more you earn true followership especially if your personal life results are speaking volumes
your Self Development kit is your pathfinder to growth and key to successful leadership!”
Nguvan Kyenge
Leadership Expert
E-mail: guvie4us@yahoo.com
Facebook: Arc Nguvan Godeymysyd kyenge